Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Free hemp seed give away!!

Totally free including shipping! 

Send me an email to:

with free seeds in the subject line!!

You will be entered in the drawing to win 1 pound of hemp seeds. They are the kind you eat and totally legal.

Heres are some pictures!!



Good luck!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What is in hemp seeds?

Specific Analysis of Hemp Seeds

Protein (N x6.25) 
Carotene (Vit. A) 
Thiamine (B1)
Pyridoxine (B6) 
Niacin (B3) 
Vitamin C 
Vitamin D 
Vitamin E 
Insoluble Dietary Fiber 
Soluble Dietary Fiber 
Total Dietary Fiber
16,800 IU/lb. 
0.9 mg/100g 
1.1 mg/100g 
0.3 mig/100g
1.4 mg/.100g
10 IU/100g 

Friday, October 15, 2010

The cannabis time line

2727 BC

China begins using cannabis as a medicine.

500 AD

Cannabis reaches Europe through India an Africa.


Christopher Columbus brings cannabis sativa to the new world.


Hemp paper industry starts in England.


Queen Elizabeth will fine land owners of more than 60 acres 5 pounds if not growing hemp.


Jamestown colony laws: Requires all settlers to grow cannabis.


The General Court of Hartford, Connecticut, orders all families plant one teaspoon of cannabis seed.


President Washington sets duties on hemp to encourage domestic industry. "make the most of the Indian Hemp seed".... President George Washington. (Library of USA Congress 1794 vol. 33 p.270). President Jefferson calls hemp a necessity and urges farmers to grow hemp instead of tobacco.


The main crop at Mount Vernon Is cannabis.


The sultan of Turkey gives the U.S. marijuana as gifts.


Turkish smoking parlors open up all over the Northeast.


Queen  Victoria is prescribed cannabis to relieve menstrual cramps.


Henry Ford's first model T is made from hemp plastic and runs off of hemp ethanol.


Federal Law bans marijuana.


The U.S. military uses marijuana as the truth serum.


1 million people have smoked cannabis.


Campaign to stop US soldiers in Vietnam from taking cannabis - they switched to heroin.


24 million people have tried it.


A study published in a 1975 edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which showed that THC slowed the growth of lung cancer, breast cancer and virus-induced leukemia in rats.


The Reagen administration begins the war on drugs. Every 38 second's someone is arrested for cannabis.


Proposition 215 passes in California making medical marijuana legal.


Harvard study shows that the Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol THC the active ingredient in marijuana, cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and reduces the ability of the cancer to spread,


Cannabis is Americas biggest cash crop at 36 billion + a year.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It will be a good day when

Everyone is able to get these!!!

The government knows how powerful hemp can be, and it could put every single pharmaceutical company out of business for good!!! Imagine how much money that would take from the big wigs is office. It needs to end now enough is enough, lets start curing people instead of killing them with chemotherapy.   

Friday, October 8, 2010

Heres a good one

 Hemp seed is the premier plant-seed provider of globulin starting material -- the highest in the plant kingdom. Eating hemp seeds will insure the immune system has the reservoir of immunoglobulin resources needed to make disease destroying antibodies.

This would explain how it stops cancer cells from reproducing. 

Check out the latest info on essential oils!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hemp for Victory

The video was made by the United States Department of Agriculture, around 1942. I do not have the video but heres a link to it.

Hemp facts

The heap seeds has enough essential amino/fatty acids to maintain a health life, It would probably be better for a person to only eat hemp seeds their entire life than eat some of the shit you can buy at the super market.

 It can also be prepared as a tea and made into milk, its leaves would go great in a salad.

One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber as 4.1 acres of trees (Dewey & Merrill, "Bulletin #404," U.S. Dept. of Ag., 1916), hemp is the perfect material to replace tress for pressed board, particle board and concrete construction molds.

Hemp has been used throughout history for carpet backing. Hemp fiber has potential in the manufacture of strong, rot resistant carpeting eliminating the poisonous gases of burning synthetic materials in a house or commercial fire, along with allergic reactions associated with new synthetic carpeting. 

For thousands of years, virtually all good paints and varnishes were made with hemp seed oil and/or linseed oil.

 In Europe it is legal for Hemp Beer to contain up to 0.3 mg of THC!

A study published in the July 1998 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that anandamide inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells. Anandamide is the naturally occurring body chemical which is mimicked by cannabinoids.

A study published in a 1975 edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which showed that THC slowed the growth of lung cancer, breast cancer and virus-induced leukemia in rats.

 Globulins are one of seven classes of simple proteins. Simple proteins are constructed from amino acids and contain no non-protein substances. Globulins are in seeds and animal blood. Edistins are found in seeds; serum globulin is in blood. Edistins are plant globulins. And globulins along with albumins are classified as globular proteins. All enzymes, antibodies, many hormones, hemoglobin and fibrogin (the body converts fibrogin into non-soluble, fibrin, a blood clotting agent) are globular proteins. They carry out the main work of living.

Antibodies are globulin proteins programmed to destroy antigens (any substance eliciting a response from lymphocytes: bacteria, viruses, toxins, living and dead tissue, internal debris, etc.). Circulating in blood plasma like mines floating in a harbor antibodies await contact with the enemy, then initiate a cascade of corrosive enzymes that bore holes in the antigen surface causing it to break apart.
          Antibodies are custom designed to neutralize or disintegrate one specific type of antigen. White blood cells called B cell lymphocytes seek out and lock-on to antigenic proteins or sugars on the invader's surface. The B cell then uses that lock and key pattern to make antibodies tailored to that antigen only. It also will make clones of itself called plasma cells. Most of the clones begin producing antibodies for that antigen. Others become memory cells which may spend years wandering through the blood stream looking for that specific antigen. If the body is exposed to it again the memory cells lock-on to one and begin producing plasma cell clones and a flood of antibodies that wipe out the invader. One lymphocyte can divide into hundreds of plasma cells in a few days. A mature plasma cell can make about 2000 antibodies every second for the few days it lives. This is how the body acquires immunity.
          The body's ability to resist and recover from illness depends upon how rapidly it can produce massive amounts of antibodies to fend off the initial attack. If the globulin protein starting material is in short supply the army of antibodies may be too small to prevent the symptoms of sickness from setting in.
          Hemp seed is the premier plant-seed provider of globulin starting material -- the highest in the plant kingdom. Eating hemp seeds will insure the immune system has the reservoir of immunoglobulin resources needed to make disease destroying antibodies.

Globulin Antibody

 Linoleic acid (LA) and linolenic acid (LNA) cannot be made by the human body and must be obtained through the diet, so they are called essential fatty acids (EFA). LA and LNA are the most important fatty acids in human nutrition and health. They are involved in producing life energy from food and the movement of that energy throughout the body. EFAs govern growth, vitality and state of mind. Still, much is unknown about their functioning in the body.